I have experience with many topics in Computer Science, including:
I am proficient with many programming languages including:
I have written & deployed web services developed with the following HTTP frameworks:
I have gained valuable work experience in my career so far, including:
I'm continuing to work on improving my skillset with certifications such as:
I am available for part-time freelance work!
Please get in touch with me to discuss further!
Below is a summary of the freelance work I have done so far:
FantasyHockeyHelper.ca is a website designed to help you optimize drafting your Fantasy Hockey team! Think "Money-Ball" but for hockey pools.
It is written in Ruby on Rails and deployed on Heroku with a Postgres database for storage. Domain is manage via AWS Route53, DNS is maintained Via CloudFlare. To read more about the makings of this project, check out this blog post.
A Chrome Extension written in Javascript that loads the Rotten Tomatoes "Tomato Score" for movies listed on various Cineplex.com listings and injects them right into the page to help you pick a movie.
You can view the project on Github.
This Ruby script monitors a configured directory's contents and keeps them synced to a remote AWS S3 bucket in the style of Dropbox.
You can view the project on Github.
@FamilyGuyShots Twitter Bot: Bot account that posts a random screenshot from an episode of Family Guy to Twitter everyday. It is written in Ruby using the Twitter and FFMPEG gems running on a Cron job on my local machine. (2021)
My Walking Garden: A health based mobile game developed with a team as a final project for CISC 496 at Queen's University. (2015)
Below are my reading lists on GoodReads.com